The Giza Foundation : Personal Stories



A Fox for Breakfast in the Desert


The following pictures may not be the best there ever was, but we resolved to try a little harder to make friends with the desert foxes on a next trip. It just needed a few dates left out for them. Usually in the early morning we woke at that time of year to dampness on our blankets, with the mist and a chill in the air. Through the hazyness until the first sunburst burnt everything clear we often saw a patrolling fox.

We are told his little critter is most abundant in territories all over the desert, feeding on anything it can find.



Another strange creature we were warned to keep a look out for was expertly drawn on the great wall of Giza.

Fortunately we never saw it in our travels, despite the fact that rock formations often had us fooled !




We look forward to spotting and filming many more types of animal in the western desert when we return there again



Now to read of the Roaming Dog Packs on the Plateau  HERE



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